THANK YOU FOR USING LABEL MASTER 1. Please make a backup copy of your records after every session with Label Master. We urge you to do this right now, please. Disks do crash. Data does get lost. Please backup your records now. 2. Always quit Label Master by typing Q at the Main Menu Enter Selection prompt. Quitting this or any computer program by typing Ctrl-Alt-Del, by shutting the power off, or by any other non-programmed method can result in loss of record information stored in memory but not yet written to the disk. If this should ever happen, please reindex your records with Main Menu option R to assure that all current record information is properly organized for computer processing. 3. Customized versions of Label Master are available at a reasonable charge. Call us to discuss your requirements. 4. Conversion of existing records to Label Master can be arranged at a reasonable charge. New users can convert their existing records to Label Master without retyping their records. Call for details. RKS Associates, 3820 N. Dittmar Road, Arlington, Virginia 22207. 703/532-1877 1F~u׸ ^+ËN;ȉF@+FFF= }vvFC FFv]Uv ;^SPF ` F^]Ur;&wU6~t#v F 0vF0;ÉF^uN׃~t F+F]3]Ur;&w6v 0u]Ëv F 0vF0;؉F^u u3]Ã~u3]ËF+F]UkFtlv<tdF Fv<t&v